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Analyse de la relation d'interdépendance entre qualité du leadership et niveau de résilience organisationnelle en milieu hospitalier
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Nowadays, the realm of safety management is moving from former reactive to more proactive approaches. Consequently, organizational resilience is increasingly regarded as a relevant way to manage performance and safety in many types of organizations. This concept promotes 4 cornerstones to do so: anticipating, monitoring, responding and learning.&#13;However, these competences require a tremendous continual commitment from all staff and stakeholders. The power of influence that some leaders can have on their teams and colleagues might become an explanatory variable of the level of organizational resilience witnessed in all kinds of institutions.&#13;This study takes place in healthcare organizations and focuses on two variables: the quality of the leadership expressed by the heads of medical services and the level of organizational resilience preventing these departments from failure.&#13;This master’s thesis starts with an overview of published literature on leadership and organizational resilience. The two concepts were first defined and afterwards put into the context of healthcare management. Several tools were then explored and chosen to build a relevant questionnaire in order to lead empirical research in several medical departments. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to the aforementioned comparative study. We led our research by meeting with the heads of 10 different medical departments. These qualitative interviews provided us with valuable information about the way the chief medical officers lead their services and the abilities of those to anticipate and monitor risks, respond to unexpected situations and learn from the past.&#13;These empirical results allowed us to identify a resilience profile for each of the visited departments and to assess the quality of the leadership in each of those. Moreover, it enabled us to make clear comparisons between them and to highlight the best practices.&#13;Finally, based on our quantitative assessments, we investigated a hypothetical correlation relation between the quality of the leadership and the level of organizational resilience.

De invloed van Performance Management op burn-outs in de Vlaamse rusthuissector
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Door een aantal maatschappelijke tendensen zoals de vergrijzing, de stijgende zorgzwaarte, de schaarste op de arbeidsmarkt... is er steeds meer aandacht voor het aanwezige menselijke kapitaal en hun prestaties binnen de Vlaamse rusthuizen. Zorgkundige en verpleegkundige jobs worden immers gecatalogeerd als knelpuntberoepen waardoor de organisatie enerzijds oog moet hebben voor een degelijk retentiebeleid maar anderzijds moeten de medewerkers ook maximaal presteren. Dit is een delicate evenwichtsoefening die bij een verkeerde afweging kan overslaan in het ‘opbranden' van personeel.Deze Masterproef analyseert daarom de mate waarin de perceptie van HRM-praktijken door medewerkers impact heeft op het ervaren van burn-outs binnen de Vlaamse rusthuissector. We concentreren ons hierbij op de Performance Managementsystemen binnen de organisatie. Centraal bij dit onderzoek stellen we de impact van individuele monitoring, controle, teamoverleg en de gepercipieerde eerlijkheid van het HRM-systeem op het voorvallen van burn-outs binnen de zorginstellingen. We analyseren binnen deze studie ook de verschillen tussen de private non-profit organisaties en de openbare OCMW-rusthuizen. We trachten hierbij de verschillen op vlak van aansturing en management te duiden en de relatie met burn-outs bloot te leggen.Dit onderzoek toont aan dat over het algemeen gepercipieerde rechtvaardigheid van het HRM-systeem en de mate waarin individuele doelstellingen een plaats hebben in het teamoverleg significant zijn voor het verklaren van het ervaren van burn-outs binnen de zorginstellingen. Daarnaast zijn anciënniteit en het al dan niet hebben van een leidinggevende functie ook belangrijke variabelen om burn-outs te verklaren.

Evaluation des fournisseurs dans le département de physique médicale afin de maîtriser les risques et les opportunités
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In this paper, I firstly offer a description of the problems that the department of medical physics from the CHU of Liège is currently facing due to the lack of suppliers monitoring. I believe this leads to a higher risk of receiving a poor maintenance on the machines, which would impact their availability and hence disturb both users and patients.&#13;I then proceed to detail how I, through scientific research and the benchmark of another department, have come up with a linear-weighted model based on SMART and objective key performance indicators to help solve this issue. I then explain that those KPIs were created based on the existing service contracts with the suppliers and the expectations of the department. In order to improve the practicality and efficiency of this new task, I offer an alternative control method based on subjective attributes in addition with an automatic model to compute the indicators.&#13;Thirdly, with the intention to comply with the quality norms ISO9001, I map the processes and add procedures to demonstrate who does what, when and how so that the manager clearly knows how to use the tools. Furthermore, I provide the hospital with my risk analysis regarding the implementation phase of the tools. I highlight several risks by adopting a project management methodology and I propose solutions to reduce the identified and prioritized risks. I evaluate the effectiveness of my solutions on the risks and I estimate no risk to still be above the acceptable level assuming the application of my ideas. I go on by justifying the adequacy of my methodology with the training on project management from the ESQ UQAM. In this chapter, I also take a step back on my work and attempt to criticize my approach.&#13;I end this paper with my recommendations for the short and long-term efficiency of my tools. If they wish to obtain a precise control tool, I highly encourage the department to work on the quality of the existing data base by communicating with its staff and by collaborating with its suppliers. I submit a priority list of the suppliers for the department to begin the evaluation and I strongly advocate the manager to analyze and take appropriate actions within a maximum of 6 months after the evaluation of the supplier. I conclude with the possibility of integrating SLAs and criticality in the future specifications.

Etude de faisabilité du développement d'une communauté d'utilisateurs pour une pharmacie en ligne telle que Newpharma
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The project thesis exposed here aims at determining the feasibility of the implementation of an online community of customers for the online pharmacy, Newpharma. &#13;The company has recognized that despite its good development and its promising financial status, the customers within the company were not feeling any commitment to the brand. In order to improve this situation, Newpharma's Chief Marketing Officer came up with the will to develop a community of customers to enhance the cohesion between them and the company, but also among the customers themselves. &#13;Furthermore, being care-giving and people-oriented are very important aspects for a company working in the pharmaceutical field. Indeed, people are used to ask their pharmacist for advice and recommendations when they buy drugs and healthcare products. Developing a community would enable users to retrieve the tailored support that they commonly receive in their pharmacy. &#13;The project of community would also have underlying goals such as increasing the customers' loyalty and enhancing the natural referencing of the company on search engines. These goals would be reached by developing the attachment of the customers to the company and its product as well as by stimulating the user-generated content. Finally, achieving these goals would lead to an increase of turnover and profitability for the company. &#13;Through this project thesis, desk and field research have been made in order to determine the feasibility of it. The reading of the followed paper intends to clarify the final conclusions and recommendations that have been made in the light of this mission to the company through scientific research and analyses.

Potential of the blockchain technology for operational risk management in high reliability organizations - An empirical analysis for the pharmaceutical industry.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The objective of this master’s thesis is to identify the potential of blockchain technology for oper-ational risk management in high reliability organizations (HROs).&#13;The theory section examines why the pharmaceutical industry, which has not previously been regarded as an HRO, can be considered an HRO. Furthermore, a systematic literature review for the HRO areas healthcare and pharmaceutical is conducted to identify the blockchain applications for operational risk management there.&#13;In the empirical section, the operational risk of counterfeit drugs identified from the literature review and the potential of blockchain are discussed in the form of three expert interviews. For this purpose, the expert opinion is obtained from the Lead Counterfeit Protection from Bayer AG, the PharmaLedger Project Leader from Novartis AG, and the Supply Chain Excellence representative from MSD who is contributing to the EU-funded PharmaLedger project, too.&#13;The results of this work show that the HRO theory can be extended to the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, 52 blockchain applications for operational risk management in the HROs healthcare and pharmaceutical are identified in the literature review. The result of the empirical section is that the pharmaceutical industry is working on further blockchain solutions in addition to the blockchain applications for the operational risk of counterfeits drugs.&#13;Further research is needed to confirm the pharmaceutical industry as an HRO and to elaborate the potential of blockchain for operational risk management in other HROs.

Public health challenges facing the supply chain management of medical commodities in Africa: A case study of antimalarial commodity supply chain management in Cameroon
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Malaria is a major public health concern in Africa. The lack of human resources and capacity at national levels is one of the main obstacles to the development, implementation and sustainability of malaria control. The management of logistics systems remains a significant weakness. Cameroon is one of the countries on the continent most affected by the disease. However, literature is scarce in the Cameroonian context, concerning the management of the product used for preventing and treating the disease throughout the distribution channel.&#13;This study aims to explore the measures that can be implemented to enhance the supply chain management for antimalarial commodities within Cameroon. The objectives encompass assessing supply chain challenges within the African public health setting, analysing identified issues in the malaria treatment and prevention supply chain in Africa, and proposing actionable measures to improve the supply chain management of antimalarial products in the surveyed country.&#13;A comprehensive investigation was carried out, gathering information from several stakeholders involved in the Cameroonian healthcare supply chain sector. The methodology consisted of a combination of semi- and unstructured interviews to identify the current practices, challenges and potential solutions. The interviews covered eight topics: procurement and sourcing, inventory management, distribution networks, supply chain technology, cold chain management, quality assurance and government regulations, stakeholders’ collaborations and emergency preparedness and response.&#13;The results of the survey demonstrated the importance of reliable data in procurement, real-time inventory tracking, improvements in distribution logistics, the integration of technology to ensure transparency, enhanced cold chain infrastructure and robust quality control systems. Furthermore, the findings revealed the lack of trust in local sourcing, hazardous inventory handling, disparities in distribution across regions, constraints of some communication platforms, and difficulties posed by extreme temperatures.&#13;Strengthening the supply chain management of antimalarial products requires consideration of cooperative initiatives between the public and private sectors. Fostering trust in local goods, promoting fair competition, and adjusting emergency protocols are highly recommended. Yet these goals should not be achieved without considering the equitable distribution of funds, which is an essential element of effective governance.

Mithra Pharmaceuticals' supply chain : a step towards a centralized distribution model and postponement strategies
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Mithra Pharmaceuticals is currently embracing many challenges and thereby questions the stature of its present supply chain network as well as the responsibility of each stakeholder.&#13;The business environment of the healthcare industry has significantly changed in the past decade putting a tremendous price pressure and strengthening competition among life science companies. Beyond a stricter regulatory scrutiny, contract manufacturing operators impose rigorous constraints leading to long lead times with regards to products’ shelf life and large minimum order quantities. Therefore, supply chain is viewed as a new strategic asset and becomes a potential competitive advantage rather than an unavoidable cost center embedded in daily operations.&#13;For what is more, Mithra recently started an international expansion and is aware that the current supply chain network might represent a burden to the successful accomplishment of its ambitions. In addition to that, Mithra’s future state-of-the-art technologic R&D and manufacturing platform is likely to bring changes and innovations in the way Mithra produces and commercializes its products, reducing the production dependency on third parties.&#13;In this context, this project thesis aims at studying two potential alternatives to Mithra’s current distribution patterns. One the one hand, it will address a problem of network design and facility location to determine whether Mithra should move on to a centralized distribution model with a single warehouse taking roots in Liège Airport or not. Indeed, nowadays, the firm has a decentralized model including four local distribution centers. One the other hand, I will work on postponement concepts for Mithra’s production process. The objective will be to determine the best suited postponement strategy with regards to Mithra’s products portfolio. In both scenarios, I will evaluate the financial impact of such models.

Study of Quality Assurance organization in healthcare companies.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Quality Assurance is a usual concept in the world of business. All the studies performed on this subject emphasize the added-value of implementing a Quality Management System in a company. However, the real added-value that it brings to business is questioned when the Quality Management System has been put in place to obtain a certificate as a first objective.&#13;The aim of this study is to answer the following basic question “How to organize Quality Assurance in a healthcare company to bring real value to the business?” in order to help a company which previously approached Quality Assurance mainly for compliance purpose.&#13;To do so, a review of the literature was performed and three quality managers of companies working in the healthcare domain were interviewed in order to identify the main success keys to succeed in the approach of Quality Assurance at organizational aspect.&#13;The outputs of the three interviews were cross-analyzed in parallel with the literature review to emphasis the main key elements of a Quality Assurance organization to succeed in the implementation of valuable Quality Management System.&#13;As a result, 14 success keys were identified. For example: choose QA team members naturally devoted to quality as an added-value for the business, find the good balance between controlling and supporting, empower all the employees regarding quality, obtain management commitment and continuous support, define quality strategy and objectives aligned with the strategy of the company, evolve from the notion of departments to the notion of process to avoid working in silos and create a user friendly GUI for all employees to represent the cartography of the QMS.&#13;The Quality Assurance approach is challenging and never-ending journey. These 14 success keys could help in organizing the Quality Assurance in order to bring real added value to the business. It is not a magic bullet but just a basis for reflection.

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